
Tipping the balance trailer

Published on: 28th January, 2021

How many times have you thought or heard others say that "if only I had better balance in my life I would be happier."

Throughout this podcast I explore this idea with a wide range of guests and ask what balance means to them and how they try to tip the balance in favour of their mental health.

Many of the guests of the show have had to overcome adversity in their lives; mental and physical health problems, addiction, abusive relationships and bereavement.

It's by going through challenging times that we can learn the most valuable lessons about what matters to us and how important our mental and physical health really is.

I have learnt so much through these conversations and I know you will really enjoy listening to these shared stories.

Tipping the balance is a series of relaxed conversational style interviews where long form conversation is preferred over short form. The length of each interview varies but is usually around an hour long.

The music used throughout the show is "Elevate" by Yes King Records. Used with permission. You can find more awesome music from Mark Rae here:

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About the Podcast

Tipping The Balance
Mental health and happiness is not as simple as arriving at a destination. It takes work everyday. How can we help to tip the balance in favour of our mental health?
We can all admit to wishing we had more balance in our lives. How many times have you said, "I just don't have the right balance at the moment." Maybe you think you need to work less, have more (or less!) time with your children, get outside more, exercise more, eat more healthily. What ever it is you and almost everyone else has an idea of what balance means to them, their lives and their mental health.

'Tipping the balance,' explores these concepts with a range of different people. Parents, business owners, people living with grief, overcoming abuse, mental health specialists. We have it all here and I hope you can listen to these shows and feel in someway you have spent time tipping the balance in favour of your own mental health.

You can find me on instagram @thebalanceddoula

Love Katie x

About your host

Profile picture for Katie Hickey

Katie Hickey

I am a birth doula, podcaster and vet! All my areas of work bring together elements of balance, growth and self-development. I am a convert to the slow living movement and live in rural Devon with my family. I love hearing from other people how they strive to find balance in their lives in order to live intentionally and maintain a positive tilt on their mental health.